Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Never-Ending Story

This is the fourth incident in Mumbai in the last three months - of a woman ending her life (mostly due to dowry demands).

The first was on the 8th of March this year when Nidhi Gupta, 32, a chartered accountant, flung her son and daughter to death before jumping from the 19th floor of her house. The second was Deepti Chauhan, 30, who jumped off her terrace after throwing her son. Two days later, on April 17th, Komal Cheda, 31, a bank manager, hanged herself to death. On 10th May, Bhakti Shah, 26, ended her life by jumping from the third floor of the building in which she lived.

One thing that really hits me is - do these women have the right to take the lives of the children ? This is plain murder - murder of innocent children. Suicide is one thing - but murdering young infants is just NOT right.

At least two of the four women were well-educated. What stopped them from moving out ? Is it their upbringing - the so-called "Indian culture" in which a divorcee becomes socially unacceptable ? While I am all for the Indianness which stops us from a string of marraiges~divorces, which makes us think twice before ending a relationship casually, but killing oneself for it ? No way !  

These women obviously do not have the support they need from their families. They lack confidence in their own parents - they probably either feel that they will not be accepted back in their own families or that they would be a burden on them. As a mother, I just feel that I would be happy to have my child safe and with me - whatever be the circumstances.

The strange thing is that all the four incidents have happened in Mumbai - the financial capital of India, one of the biggest metros of the country and not in some unheard of village.     

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