Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sukho Thai

Woke up feeling horribly battered...husband too busy, no maid, no driver, assignments piling up, unwashed clothes piling up, dog making the house stink like a public know, one of those days.

Decided to go and hit the malls for some retail therapy and landed up at Phoenix Mills, Mumbai. Was just getting out of Pantaloons, when I came across the Sukho Thai outlet on the 1st floor of High Street Phoenix. I was a little skeptical to start with since few Thai massages in India are really anything to talk about. I went for their shortest offering - traditional Thai massage for 30 minutes.

You are asked to change your shoes and pants (they provide the change). The ambience was peaceful - darkened rooms with soft instrumental music, big comfortable reclining sofas, Thai handicrafts and the typical smell of Thai massage parlours permeating through the entire place. 

The massage was competently done and very relaxing. To my aching feet, it felt heavenly. They use a balm for the massage and do the entire leg rather than only the foot. Though the massage was quite different from what I have done in Thailand, the experience was a pleasant one and one that I would love to repeat.After the massage gets over, they give (ginger?) tea and some fruits to eat.

The only problem with the massage is that after your legs are massaged, all the other parts of your body just aches out to be massaged !

The half-an-hour massage was for Rs.660/-. They have some offers on weekdays, between 12 noon to 4 p.m. (20% discount) but these are temporary. They do not have a full body massage but they do have a foot massage+head/shoulder/back massage. I also noticed some foot massages with hot stones and herbs.

[Disclaimer : The reviewer was not invited to review, or given a free massage as a sop. Not that the reviewer would mind the latter option]

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